An Indian Ayurvedic method of keeping a strong brain and body healthy

Dear reader, today we will discuss an ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine to increase memory and keep the body healthy. With the right application, you can easily stay physically healthy and there will be peace of mind. Let's know the procedure.

It is commonly called Bhang or vangera (A type of cannabis variety). This tree is found in the forests along the river. The main application of this plant is for peace of mind and physical beauty, but it is mostly applied for intoxication. Some of the beneficial applications of Bhang (Vijaya) are given below—

Every morning in the month of Chaitra, mix a small amount of Bhang in fennel, nuts, dried grapes, pepper, cardamom, gulab, saffron, milk and sugar, it activates and strengthens the veins and sub-veins of the brain, but it should not be applied for intoxication. Only the application of the eight-rati break is profitable. It increases the ability to think, think, imagine and remember. 

According to the above rules, if a person consumes Bhang for the entire month of Baishakh, then his blood and nerves are free from the effects of poison. The toxicity of food poisoning from eating is lost to this action.

According to the above rules in the month of Jyestha, consuming bhang sorbet before the sun rises in the morning increases physical beauty. 

If you consume Bhang in the month of Ashadh, it shows brightness in health.

Make gola by powdering Rudravanti and Bhang. Drinking sorbet helps to refresh the brain and heal the body, and helps in endless sexual energy.

Bhang powder increases the eyesight when consumed with ghee and sugar in the month of Agrahan.

Consumption of black sesame seeds and bhang in the month of Paush helps to increase eyesight.

In the month of Magh, the roots or juice of Ashwagandha should be mixed with bhang powder and consumed. Its application sends energy to the body.

In the month of Falgun, drinking amla with Bhang powder or juice keeps the entire nervous system fresh in the body. Arthritis pain is cured and blood circulation in the body is done in the right way. This application is very effective in keeping the body active and dynamic.

Consumption of bhang with different doses for up to twelve months is called 'Vijay Kalpa'. If a healthy person consumes bhang throughout the year with different doses, then he gets rid of all physical tricks and becomes full physical strength, beauty and infinite masculinity (healthy men). All blood-related disorders are cured by circulating blood in the veins and veins.

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