Beauty Spells in Witchcraft | Two effective methods

Is it safe to practice beauty in Witchcraft? It is generally considered safe to perform beauty rituals in the occult, as long as the practitioner is aware of the potential risks. Witch rituals and magic can be used to improve appearance, increase or decrease body composition, change the color of hair or eyes or bring about desired changes but these spells can be unpredictable and cause impossible results don't know the consequences, so necessary precautions and precautions need to be taken which are kept in mind. Now let us learn two ways in this...

Beauty Spells in Witchcraft

Always Remember: Physical beauty can be enhanced by internal beauty. If you can't beautify your mind, it's impossible to increase your physical beauty.

The first method 

To perform this ritual, you will need a few items: 
  1. a dish filled with good soil
  2. yellow candle
  3. a full-sized mirror
  4. olive, patchouli, jasmine, or cinnamon essential oil
  5. a small flower pot
  6. and a flower or plant seed.

First, anoint the candle with the essential oil of your choice. Then, place the candle in the center of the dish of earth and light it. Sit down with the candle between you and the mirror.

Focus on your reflection in the mirror and contemplate the things you find most beautiful about yourself. This should include both your inner and outer beauty. Try to avoid thinking about things you feel need to be changed, instead focus on the beauty that you already possess. Repeat this ritual for three consecutive nights.

Once the candle has burned down completely, remove the wax from the dish. Take the soil from the dish and transfer it to a small flower pot. Plant a seed in the soil and take good care of it so that it can grow properly. As the plant grows, you will notice that your own beauty will also flourish and shine brighter than ever before.

The second method

The following materials will be required to use this method:

  1. One hand mirror
  2. One red candle
  3. Essential oil (Aloe, Lavender, Frankincense or Rose)
  4. Candle holder or dish

To cast a spell, begin by finding a private space where you can focus and concentrate. Hold the red candle in one hand and the mirror in the other hand.

Look at yourself in the mirror and hold the candle like a microphone. Visualize yourself as confident as your favorite singer, TV presenter or actor/actress. Adjust your posture and body language as if you were laughing and talking effortlessly.

After channeling this energy of confidence and perfection, place the mirror down on your altar or table and hold the candle with both hands.

Dress your candle with essential oil and prepare to open a door to the powerful attraction of beauty. While doing this, chant the Wiccan beauty spell provided or use your own beauty chant.

“Reflection of the Goddess, 
make the picture clearer.
In Summer or Winter, 
I look into my mirror.
Background in harmony, 
and beauty in front. 
Waking or sleeping, 
with self-love and trust.
Powerful mirror you are my friend.
Bless my ways until the end”.

Next, light the candle and place it on a holder or dish. Meditate or continue with your beauty or self-care routine while the candle burns.

Your mirror is now consecrated, so take good care of it and use it whenever you need to feel beautiful or attractive.

Note: When casting a beauty spell, any day of the week is suitable, but Friday is considered the most favorable day. It is recommended to perform the ritual during the Waxing Moon, specifically the First Quarter Moon Phase for optimal results.

After completing the spell, it is crucial to never leave candles burning unattended. If you need to leave the candle, make sure to blow it out and leave it on your altar. You can continue burning the candle the next day while meditating or reciting one of the beauty prayers provided.
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