Effective strategy to suppress the enemy

There are many ways and methods in tantra to suppress enemies, the tantra verb that will be discussed in this article is a very secret and simple action. It is a functional action within the budhu system. Such verbs are mainly seen in the Aghori system.

Many people become restless at the hands of the enemy. With their lives and honour, the enemies indulged in destruction. Then they go looking for where to go and what to do to get rid of this problem. In this article, I refer to this action as an educational and informative topic.

This action, whoever is the victim, will do it himself. No one else should. He will first gather the feathers of four crows. Buy a red oil vial (mustard oil) from the shop. Collect 5 pieces of white paper measuring 4 inches / 4 inches. 

This time, on any Tuesday or Saturday after 1 p.m., put an iron bread-making chaat in the oven or gas oven and burn the crow's feathers well. Store the ashes that will form after burning in a vial. With this ash, the same action should be done for a few days in a row. 

Let's know about the action this time:

First, take some of the previously collected feather ash, with red oil, and rub it in such a way that it can be used like ink. Make ink, take a white paper, write the enemy's full name in the middle of the paper with the designation. The name should be clearly written. Finally, the paper should be burned in the oven or gas oven.

Once you write your name, burn a piece of paper. In this way, 5 papers should be burnt till Saturday. If you do this action, the enemy will no longer be hostile, he can't stand up to you. Do this action only if absolutely necessary. Remember, these are referred to in tantra as sins or acts of sin. Be careful if you never use these actions to satisfy curiosity or to commit illegal acts, which can lead to the opposite.
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